Thursday, March 19, 2009

The world of Japanese ceramics has had a profound impact on the pottery that I make. I have been led me to work with natural materials and firing with wood. I especially enjoy making bowls and other containers for Japanese tea ceremony.

The wood kiln is a modified anagama or tube kiln. Over a period of three days and nights, friends and family help feed the wood into the kiln. Because the entire process requires so much time and effort it is a very expensive process. Three cords of wood have to be gathered and split for each firing. In addition to making each piece, it takes 1½ days to load the work into the kiln.

I use commercial and natural unprocessed clay. I prepare all my glazes, most are ash type, or, no glaze is put on the pot. I do a lot of prospecting for interesting materials.

The qualities of the pots speak for themselves. They come out of a fierce primordial reality and they reflect absolute presence.